Unlock growth with personalization

Visual scripting

Bring your LiveOps to the next level with visual scripting. Product teams can craft and test new monetization and engagement scenarios without burdening the development team.

Features & advantages

Off-the-shelf toolkit designed to open the freedom
of experimentation for product teams.
User flows
Create personalized scenarios to extend player lifetime and achieve your monetization goals.
Offer sequences
Launch a series of offers that leverage the discounting and upselling logic to increase conversions and ARPPU.
Dynamic offers
Dreaming about a unique offer for each player? Use formulas in visual scripting to adjust content and pricing to players’ individual characteristics.
Segment players based on their lifecycle stage and profile characteristics. Activate different game scenarios for each segment.
Custom FTUE
Get players hooked by customizing their onboarding into the game based on the campaign they came from.
No-code tools
Visual scripting is a no-code technology that empowers your product team to accomplish tasks that previously required developer assistance.
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