#3 Repeatable limited-time offers

Yet another tool to increase conversion into purchases for hard currency are repeatable ‘limited-time offers’ (LTO for short).

What is it, and why do you need it?

Under the hood, LTO is similar to the ’first purchase bonus’ (an offer you get for your first purchase in a game, which we’ve discussed in the previous article). However, repeatable limited-time offers appear, as you may guess, repeatedly and stay available within a limited period. Such offers may be standalone or a part of a more complex in-game event.

LTO always has a starting moment and duration, which creates a sense of urgency. Players must see a timer showing how long it will last to be able to make a decision about buying it when it is convenient for them, but not later than the timer finishes.

LTO can be available for a single purchase or multiple purchases. In the case of a single purchase, if the player buys it, the whole offer disappears no matter how long the timer lasts. In the case of LTO with multiple purchases, the player can buy an item as many times as they want until the time runs out.

The offer’s discount can be of any size – it is up to the developer to decide. However, you should always listen to what analytics tells you to avoid hurting the game economy.

How do other studios implement limited-time offers?


The developers of Crossout give players 40% more coins when purchases are made during a weekend.

Dragon City

In Dragon City, players are offered up to a 50% bonus on gem packs when buying them before the timer (in the bottom right corner) finishes.

How to create limited-time offers with Balancy?

So, how can one set up the same feature in Balancy? Easy-peasy! Watch the following short video and realize that you’re just a few minutes away from using this powerful monetization tool.

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